Thursday, February 11, 2010

Legislative news

Modern Healthcare reports that the narrowly focused Senate jobs bill that the Majority Leader unveiled today does not include the Medicare Part B doctor pay fix or the COBRA / TCC subsidy extension discussed in previous FEHBlog entries. Politico portrayed this move as a rebuke at Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus who had negotiated a broader bill with Republican Senator Chuck Grassley. Instead these two time sensitive provisions will be included in a tax extenders bill which also will be considered during the week of February 21 after the Senate returns from its recess. reports that the House Federal Workforce subcommittee hearing on its Chairman's bill (HR 4489) regulating FEHBP prescription drug pricing has been rescheduled for Tuesday February 23. According to the Committee's website, the hearing will be held in Room 2154 of the Rayburn House Office Building beginning at 2 pm. Roll Call published an opinion piece by Mark Merritt, the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association's CEO, criticizing the bill as unnecessary.

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