Tuesday, September 27, 2011

OPM announces 2012 FEHBP premiums

A couple of loose ends discussed in Sunday's post have been tied up. Congress has avoided a government shutdown by agreeing to adopt a continuing resolution that funds the the federal government through November 18. As the FEHBlog recalls, that's shortly before the Super Committee must release its deficit reduction recommendations to Congress.

More importantly, from the FEHBlog's perspective, OPM today released 2012 premiums for the FEHBP and FEDVIP. The premium tables are found here. OPM advised in a fact sheet that "the overall average FEHB premium increase for non-postal and annuitants will be 3.8% in 2012 [versus 7.3%. this year]. Based on previous experience, we expect that some enrollees will shift to more affordable plans which means the actual average increase may be lower than today’s estimate." The number of plans participating in the FEHBP remains stable -- 206 in 2012 versus 207 this year. The Federal Benefits Open Season will run from November 14 through December 12, 2012.

The Washington Post, Federal Times, Govexec, Federal News Radio, and Business Insurance all have reported on the good FEHBP news. This White House contrasted the FEHBP news with a Kaiser Family Foundation study which found relative high employer sponsored plan increases rhis year

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