Sunday, November 07, 2010

The Federal Benefits Open Season starts tomorrow

OPM's Federal Benefits Open Season, which encompasses the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, and the Flexible Spending Accounts for Federal Employees (FSAFEDS) starts tomorrow and runs through December 13. The FEHBlog discovered today that OPM has an extensive set of frequently asked questions about federal employment and federal employee benefits.

OPM offers a health benefits plan comparison tool on its web site, and Asparity Decision Solutions offers its own web based tool that considers your estimated health care expenses. offers a timely report on the wide range of plan choices available to federal employees, and
Tammy Flanagan of the National Institute for Transition offers her advice on coordinating FEHBP and Medicare coverage.  Ms. Flanagan will be interviewing FEHB plan executives on upcoming episodes of  the radio program "For Your Benefit" on Monday mornings at 10 a.m. ET on (listen online) or on WFED AM 1500 in the Washington metro area.
  • Nov. 8: Jane Overton, GEHA Federal Health Plan (Fee-for-service plan and HDHP)
  • Nov. 15: John Patrick, Kaiser Federal Health Plan (HMO)
  • Nov 22: Tom Bernatavitz, Aetna Federal Health Plan (HMO/consumer-driven plan and HDHP).\
  • Nov 29: Walt Wilson, SAMBA Federal Employee Benefit Association (Fee-for-service plan)

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