Tuesday, October 02, 2018

FEHBP Family Options

If you find yourself scratching your head about the small gap between self plus one and self and family premiums in the FEHBP, please bear in mind that before Congress added the self plus one option self and family premiums were only 2.3 to 2.4 times self only premiums on average. Because of its older demographics, FEHB family sizes have been and remain relatively small. In other words, there really was no need to create the self plus one option (an OPM actuary told me that in 2009), the self plus one choice is there.

Also remember that the full premiums for self and family always are larger than the full premiums for self plus one. However, because OPM calculates the government contribution using a method required by law (enrollment weighted average), the larger government contribution for self and family may cause the enrollee contribution for self and family to be somewhat less than the employee contribution for self plus one for the same plan and same option.

For 2018 the government contribution for self and family increased by 0.7% (seven tenths of one percent) while the government contribution for self plus one increased by 0.3% (three tenths of one percent). This outcome unfortunately compounds the "flip flop" problem. If you did not face this problem for 2018, please check your plan's 2019 premiums. If you do face this problem for 2019, simply change to self and family during Open Season.

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