Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Midweek update

According to Healthcare Dive,
  • National spending on healthcare is projected to grow 5.5% between 2018 and 2027, according to the CMS Office of the Actuary's annual report. This would outpace average projected GDP growth by 0.8%.
  • This forecast means the healthcare segment of the U.S. economy would climb to 19.4% by 2027, up from 17.9% just two years ago.
  • "While Medicare spending is expected to accelerate the fastest among payers and contributed to the increase, growth in health prices and disposable personal income are also significant contributors," Andrea Sisko, an Office of the Actuary economist and author of the Health Affairs study, said.
Of course, Medicare spending will be accelerating as the Baby Boomer generation continues to age into that program.

The FEHBlog was intrigued by the Bank Security Info analysis of public comments submitted to HHS's Office for Civil Rights in response to that agency's request for suggestions for potential changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Check it out.

Finally, Health Payer Intelligence reports that
Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Institute and Health Care Services Corporation (HCSC) have launched a health food delivery service that will help reduce food insecurity and health disparities for plan members. 
Called foodQ, the service will bring nutritious, affordable meals directly to people living in areas that don’t have adequate access to fresh foods that are part of a healthy diet, known as food deserts. Both organizations will offer easy access to healthy food that will improve health outcomes, particularly for diet-related chronic conditions. A goal will be to reduce avoidable emergency room visits and hospital admissions.
Foodq's website further explains
The BCBS Institute partnered with Kitchfix, a leader in fresh-prepared local meal delivery, to bring foodQSM to nutrition deserts in Chicago [based on zip code]. Kitchfix is at the forefront of providing consumers with access to proper nutrition made from high-quality ingredients. Every week, their inventive chefs prepare delicious, ready-to-heat meals, which are delivered by their team for foodQSM. 

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