Friday, June 07, 2019


The FEHBlog as yet can't find any public comments on the Senate Health Education Labor and Pension Committee's discussion draft of a health care reform bill. He did gather a potpourri of public comments on the Health and Human Services / Office of National Coordinator proposed rules on electronic health record interoperability and price transparency in a dropbox for your information.

Healthcare Dive reports on the final two days of the evidentiary Tunney Act hearing before U.S. District Judge Richard Leon concerning the consent decree that lead to the Justice Department's approval of the CVS Health acquisition of Aetna last November. The judge requested post hearing briefs and will hear oral argument from counsel in mid-July.

The FEHBlog has always been a fan of reference pricing. The Health Affairs blog today discusses the success of a CALPers reference pricing initiative for outpatient surgery. Check it out.

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