Friday, June 21, 2019


Happy Summer Solstice!

The Wall Street Journal reports that on Monday the President will issue an executive order mandating healthcare price transparency.  "It’s unclear how aggressive the order will be because of the pushback from industry, and some White House advisers who have urged a more measured approach, sources said."

Healthcare Dive reports on Cigna CEO David Cordani's encouraging address to an AHIP conference earlier this week.
"We all know there is an election coming up and we all know there is a present narrative around this because society demands more value from us today. The question is: are we going to resist, are we going to collaborate, or as we look at the path forward, will we choose to lead by being able to identify the bright spots that are working?" he asked.
For its part, Cigna is promising to bend the cost curve of healthcare by committing to deliver a rate of medical cost growth that will not exceed the consumer price index by 2021. 
Health Payer Intelligence informs us about an AHIP initiative on social determinants of health known as Project Link.
Project Link encompasses three major components:

  •     A learning collaborative in which insurance providers can discuss social determinants of health and social barriers, sharing how to set up new programs, what tools to use for tracking results, and how to know if the programs are successful
  •     The new Project Link Website shares positive solutions for non-medical health factors through access to AHIP staff’s research, AHIP members’ programs, and various digital resources including The Healthcare Policy Podcast
  •     New payer partnership opportunities with different kinds of entities encourage healthy outcomes through conquering social barriers

The Joint Commission, which accredits hospitals, nursing homes, etc. announced a new antibiotic stewardship accreditation standard for outpatient facilities that takes effect on January 1, 2020.

Tammy Flanagan, on, offers helpful information on the options available to married couples with at least one employed federal worker for survivor benefits, including continuation of FEHBP coverage. Check it out.

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