Sunday, July 07, 2019

Weekend update

Congress is back at work on Capitol Hill this week and will remain there for two more weeks until the August recess. The Wall Street Journal reports that Congress faces funding deadlines as the end of the government fiscal year, September 30, creeps closer. Also the federal government is approaching the debt limit.

The Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee leadership will keep on pressing the full Senate leadership to bring forward its wide ranging bill to control healthcare costs, S. 1895. America's Health Insurance Plans has made available a helpful summary of the bill as it stands following HELP Committee approval on June 26.  Further additional and edits are expected before the bill is considered by the Senate.

Also this month, as reminds us, the Postal Service is expected to provide Congress with its ten year business plan. A satisfactory business plan will cause Congress to return to work on a postal reform law. Based on the FEHBlog's review of the article, the FEHBlog doubts that Congress will be satisfied with the business plan under development.

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