Monday, July 15, 2019


The FEHBlog read today in the Hill that
The House [of Representatives] will vote [this] week on a full repeal of ObamaCare's Cadillac Tax on high-cost health insurance plans, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) announced [last] Friday 
The politics: The Cadillac Tax is the rare part of ObamaCare that both parties largely agree on: They don't like it. So the repeal vote is expected to be widely bipartisan.
The Cadillac Tax is widely supported by health economists who view it as a way to control health care costs, but it is hated by unions and employers alike, as well as many lawmakers.  Health economists are not a very strong lobbying force in Washington!
If the Democrat-controlled House passes this bill, it should be a shoo in for passage in the Senate, shouldn't.

It's a shame that Congress can't seem to get its act together to repeal other self-defeating ObamaCare taxes like the health insurer fee which is scheduled to resume next year.  Better something, than nothing though.

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