Sunday, November 10, 2019

weekend update

The Federal Benefits Open Season opens tomorrow November 11, Veterans' Day. Here a link to the OPM Director's Veterans' Day statement.

Congress will resume its work on Capitol Hill following tomorrow's holiday.

The Federal News Network reports on the results of OPM's 2019 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. "A quick glance at the results shows employee engagement across government remained stable in 2019 with a score of 68%, the same as the previous year."  Here's a link to the OPM's report on the FEVS.

Forbes provides its perspective on last Friday's CMS announcement of 2020 Medicare Parts A and B premiums and cost sharing amounts.  The basic Medicare Part B premium increased 7% from 2019 to 2020. CMS blamed the increase on the cost of physician administered drugs covered under Part B.

Business Insider reports regrettably that Kaiser Permanente's Board Chairman CEO Bernard Tyson died in his sleep last night at the age of 60. .Mr. Tyson worked for Kaiser Permanente for 34 years and served as its corporate leader since 2013. RIP  Kaiser Permanente is the third largest carrier in the FEHBP. "Gregory A. Adams, who previously served as executive vice president and group president, immediately assumed the role of interim chairman and CEO."

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